Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When does Beaumont Raiders Lacrosse registration open?

Registration opened Jan 1st, 2025 and closes March 16, 2025 @ 23:59. Teams are formed at the end of March, and league gameplay is set to begin mid April, exact date TBD. Our season typically wraps up at the end of June with playoffs for U11 and up, and a Father's Day Jamboree that is hosted by the GELC for our U7 and U9 teams. Depending on your teams success during playoffs, your team may be required to participate in Provincials held at the beginning to mid July/ So please plan accordingly. Visit the GELC website for additional details.

At what age can you join lacrosse?

Boys and Girls aged 4-16. Age description from Lacrosse Canada: Age is determined to be the age of a player that they will be in the calendar year of the current playing season. Calendar year is January 1 to Dec 31 of any given year. Example: for U17, player cannot turn 17 at any time during the calendar year to be eligible. Find the Level Information tab under REGISTRATION on the main menu

Which Level should I register my child in, they have no lacrosse experience?

We are thrilled you have an athlete interested in trying something new! We have players join at all experience levels and ages. In fact, the most common ages we have first-timers join are U11 and U13, but we also have new players join at our U17 level. Register your player based on their birth year. Be sure to check our website for the dates of our FREE Come Try lacrosse dates. These floor times are the perfect opportunity to meet our coaches and build confidence with your stick.

Find the Level Information tab under REGISTRATIONS on our main menu

I have a child in U9 can I request that they play with their friend?

Yes U7 and U9 allow reciprocal friend requests. The divisions for U7 & U9 are co-ed teams that are not leveled or evaluated.

Unfortunately at levels U11 and up, we are unable to accommodate friend requests. These levels are evaluated and divided to ensure fairness and parity between teams.

I would like to help coach my players team this season, how do I get started?

Thank you for supporting our athletes! Please visit our Coaches Corner tab on our website. Mail our coaching director with details about you and the division your athlete is playing in.

I registered my athlete in U7, when do we get the FREE pinnie?

We are excited to give FREE sublimated pinnies to ALL U7 registered players. These pinnies will be used during gameplay and will be yours to keep at the end of the season. Coaches or Managers will be given the pinnies to distribute once teams are established.

What months is the lacrosse season

The GELC 2025 Lacrosse League play is set to begin the week of April 17th, 2025. Registration with the Beaumont Raiders closes Sunday, March 16th to allow for team formation. Team practices and initial floor times start at the end of March, with some divisions requiring evaluations to create parity with multiple teams. All players will begin floor times with player and team development at the beginning of April. Our 2025 playing season runs from April until the end of June, with provincials for some teams in July.

What days of the week are game play for the 2025 Season

For the 2025 Box Lacrosse playing season, game days will be scheduled in accordance with facility availability and Game Official availability. Please visit our Divisions Homepages for newly posted information about season start and playing days of the week.

I have registered my child, when can I expect them to start playing?

The Greater Edmonton Lacrosse Council has scheduled league game play to start mid-April. Exact date TBD. Planning the schedule depends on many factors including facility and official availability, as well as, the number of teams formed per division. As registration levels per association have been fluctuating these past couple of years, it is difficult to predict which divisions will have enough players to form teams, etc. Registration deadlines are determined by each association, but typically close mid-March to the end of March allowing for game schedule release. Once the GELC releases the game schedule, the associations can then plan practice floor times for teams in each division. The process is dependent on registration numbers and if associations have enough players to form teams.
The Beaumont Raiders will have teams formed and players on the floor at the beginning of April. Some divisions will have earlier floor time to allow for an evaluation day that splits players in a division into teams to create an even parity between teams for new and experienced players. I can assure you that as soon as I have the information, I will update you with the information. Please check back on the website often. We can't wait to get on the floor either, 2025 is going to be a great season!

How to I 'buy out' my volunteer commitment

If you choose to buy out your association volunteer commitment, please send a $250 EMT to, indicating your athlete's name, division and that the payment is for volunteer buy out. Please also email our volunteer coordinator to be added to the buy out list:

Please be aware that this buy out does not exempt you from essential team volunteer responsibilities such as box duties, jersey parents, or any role your team requires.

Volunteer details are found on our volunteer menu tab

I referred a NEW registration, how do I get the $50 Raiders merchandise credit?

Thank you for spreading the word about the game you and your athlete have grown to love! We are happy to reward your recruitment with a $50 merchandise credit to be used this year. During player registration, your friend can indicate your name (or your player's name) and once we confirm that they are a new registration we will forward your information to our apparel director who will be ready to receive your order. Didn't answer your question? Send us an email at

I noticed a change in division names from Male/Female now to Men/Women. I find this strange because my child is 8.

This season you may notice a change to our division names and age groups, as well as, a change in labeling from "Male/Female" now to "Men/Women". This may seem strange to you based on the age groups of our athletes, but this change comes with guidance from Lacrosse Canada in promoting inclusiveness. The term "female" connotes a biological category, while "women" is a whole human person, making it technically a noun. The Beaumont Raiders are supporting the use of women as an adjective to achieve a more inclusive meaning that emphasizes gender over biological sex. In the coming days, you will notice this change occur in all of the GELC member associations.

My athlete is turning 17 in 2025, where can my box lacrosse athlete play?

Please visit the Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League website: for information on Junior A, B and Female Divisons

I have not been getting my email(s) responded to, nor have I received any communication from the association.

There could be several things going on, please complete the following steps.

First step, double check your registration information by logging into the registration platform that you registered your player on. (e.g. Beaumont Lacrosse, Leduc Lacrosse, Sherwood Park Lacrosse).

Second, once you confirm your contact is correct, please check your junk and spam folder.

Thirdly, please reach out to and let us know you don't seem to be getting our emails or team notifications. We can then help you. I'll review our opt-out list, if your email address is not there, then I can send a test email through RAMP. If it does not go through to you, it means your email address is being blocked by RAMP because you have, at some point, unsubscribed from all RAMP communications. This link is found at the bottom of all emails sent from RAMP mailer. Perhaps this was done in the past with another association/player that used the RAMP registration system. If this is the case, RAMP support needs to be contacted and you need to be manually removed from their unscubscribe list by RAMP support. Please email: if you suspect this. And please let us know so we can forward you a summary of our association communications.

I still have a question, who should I contact?

Do NOT submit a question here. The FASTEST way to get your question answered is by emailing the responsible party directly. It is best practice, to include at least two, if not more, executive contacts in your email to ensure you are not missed by the volume of emails we receive. Please visit the Executive tab in the main menu. Here you will find a list of our current executives and their email addresses. Please reach out to the executive responsible for your corresponding questions.

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Upcoming Events

Feb. 17, 2025 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

U7/U9 Come Try Lacrosse
Beaumont Sports and Recreation Centre Fieldhouse
Come Try Lacrosse Event!

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Feb. 17, 2025 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM

U11/U13 Come Try Lacrosse
Beaumont Sports and Recreation Centre Fieldhouse
Come Try Lacrosse Event!

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Feb. 17, 2025 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM

U15 / U17 Come Try Lacrosse
Beaumont Sports and Recreation Centre Fieldhouse
Come Try Lacrosse Event!

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