Kid Sport

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Who is KidSport?
KidSport Edmonton is a local non-profit organization with a purpose and passion for creating opportunities for kids. We know that when kids have access to sport, they have the opportunity to flourish into healthy, active, and engaged community members. That is why KidSport works to remove the financial barrier of sport registration fees for Edmonton’s disadvantaged kids through our ‘So ALL Kids Can Play!’ Grant Program.

How does KidSport help?
KidSport provides grants to kids from families facing financial barriers so they can participate in registered sport programs.
KidSport supports programs that provide kids with a sustained sport experience led by qualified instructors. 

Who is eligible to receive a ‘So ALL Kids Can Play!’ Grant?
Kids aged 18 and under are eligible (Please note kids that are 18 years of age, must still be in high school). 
KidSport considers the social and economic barriers facing the family when determining eligibility.
KidSport considers the following when determining eligibility: proof of low income via taxes, are unemployed, on AISH, currently receiving income support through the provincial government are all considered eligible.
If a kid needs equipment and is approved, a referral is sent to to our partners at Sport Central
A kid can receive up to $250 in a calendar year, for 2019, KidSport will fund 50% of registration fees, and up to $125 per application

What does a KidSport Grant Cover?
Sport registration fee subsidy, only.
Please note for Soccer applications, as part of a partnership with Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA) KidSport funds a maximum of $50 for outdoor soccer, and $75 for indoor soccer each calendar year to provide children and their families support for both seasons of soccer. This helps to ensure that children have access to both seasons. Please also be aware that this only applies for EMSA community level programs.  

When is the deadline to apply?
It’s best to submit your application to KidSport as soon as you register your child in the sport program.
Programs that are complete are not eligible for funding and KidSport cannot reimburse the family for fees already paid to the sport organization.

1.)    Register your kid in a sport
2.)    Click below to apply online (preferred method) or follow the remaining steps for the paper application form
3.)    Complete Child Information, Parent/Guardian Information
4.)    Complete Sport Program Information (after you have registered your kid in the sport program and notify the sport organization that you are requesting funds from KidSport upon registration).
5.)    Include your financial situation in accordance to individual chapter guidelines (see above for what KidSport Edmonton accepts for income support).
6.)    Email, mail or fax your completed application to KidSport Edmonton.
7.)    Application is reviewed by KidSport within 30 days. Cheques for approved applications are mailed to the sport club within four weeks of the review date.


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Feb. 17, 2025 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

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Beaumont Sports and Recreation Centre Fieldhouse
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Feb. 17, 2025 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM

U11/U13 Come Try Lacrosse
Beaumont Sports and Recreation Centre Fieldhouse
Come Try Lacrosse Event!

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Feb. 17, 2025 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM

U15 / U17 Come Try Lacrosse
Beaumont Sports and Recreation Centre Fieldhouse
Come Try Lacrosse Event!

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